8031 Zurich
8031 Zurich
8008 Zürich
The outstanding feature in the concept for the exhibition pavilion is the spectacular formulation of an immense roof. The roof structure is made up of two connected steel umbrellas of complex shape, one concave, the other convex. The umbrellas were transported to the construction site as large components, assembled, raised with a mobile crane, and then mounted on the prepared supports.
Le Corbusier had already used related designs for earlier exhibition projects. In his Porte Maillot project of 1950, an almost identical double umbrella tops exhibition rooms that were made to be easily dismantled. Designed for the synthesis of painting, sculpture, and architecture, the building was never executed. In Zurich, the “parasol” forms a protective roof for a permanent exhibition building divided into different areas. An open roof terrace lies between its two clearly separate wings.
Fredi M. Murer and Jürg Gasser, Centre Le Corbusier. Das letzte Bauwerk von Le Corbusier, documentary film made between 1965 and 1967, produced by Heidi Weber with support from the Swiss Federal Office of Culture, 1967 (re-issued by Denkmalpflege des Kantons Zürich, 2015).
Kartonmodell des Pavillon Le Corbusier, 1961/62, Kopie 2019
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK
Stahldach im Bau, Pavillon Le Corbusier, 1967
Abbildung: Baugeschichtliches Archiv der Stadt Zürich / Fotografie: Jürg Gasser
Stahldach im Bau, Pavillon Le Corbusier, 1967
Abbildung: Baugeschichtliches Archiv der Stadt Zürich / Fotografie: Jürg Gasser
Perspektive und Fotomontage des Modells für das Projekt B, Porte Maillot, Paris, Le Corbusier, um 1950
Abbildung: © Fondation Le Corbusier, Paris. FLC 18154
Skizze Nr. 2 zur Faltung des Daches des Centre Le Corbusier, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, Frankreich, 31. Juli 1961
Abbildung: © Fondation Le Corbusier, Paris. FLC 21131J
Das Chandigarh Architecture Museum wurde auf dem Zürcher Pavillon basierend vom Architekten S. D. Sharma entworfen und 1997 erbaut
Abbildung: © Sanyam Bahga